Down Syndrome Testing
Diagnosis and Testing of Down Syndrome
Testing for Down syndrome is considered a routine part of prenatal care. A screening test simply identifies the risk of carrying a baby with Down syndrome rather than offering a medical diagnosis. Although we cannot determine whether or not you are carrying a baby with Down syndrome, this kind of prenatal diagnostic testing can help us learn about specific risks if your child does have the condition and make important decisions about new treatments that may be available to prevent further mental disability in your child. Common screening tests include the first trimester combined test and the integrated screening test. Moreover, Down syndrome testing is indispensable, and every parent should consider opting for it.
What is Down Syndrome?
Down syndrome is a disorder in which an individual has an extra copy of chromosome 21, one of the 23 human chromosomes. It is the result of an abnormality that occurs while a baby develops in the mother’s uterus or womb. Normally, babies get 46 chromosomes from their parents (23 from mom, 23 from dad). Down syndrome babies are born with an extra chromosome. This condition causes a lot of challenges along with physical & mental abnormalities in the baby. The condition of having an extra copy of a chromosome is called ‘trisomy.’ Therefore, Down syndrome is also referred to as Trisomy 21. However, the diagnosis of Down syndrome is made to determine whether the baby in the womb has an extra chromosome 21.
Diagnosis of Down Syndrome for Newborns
After birth, a doctor will determine whether a child has Down syndrome by looking at the baby's outward appearance. It can be difficult to diagnose this condition in its early stages because the symptoms of Down syndrome are similar to those of other conditions which cause developmental delays and disabilities. However, testing for Down syndrome can be conducted. Your health care provider may recommend that you get your child's chromosomes analyzed through chromosomal karyotyping, which involves picking up loose strands of DNA floating around in the bloodstream of a baby's blood sample and arranging them based on their unique genetic coding. The presence of an extra chromosome 21 is what will pronounce your child as definitely having Down syndrome.
Treatment of Down Syndrome
After Down syndrome testing, early intervention is essential for infants and children with Down syndrome because it makes a lot of difference in improving each child's quality of life. From will your child learn to walk with the help of a physical therapist or getting to know better their interests through engaging in social activities or sports, there are many ways early intervention can have a major influence on the life of your child. Just remember that every case is different, so needs to change from one person to another. Also, different stages of a child's life may require different services too!
Contact SciGenomics For Down Syndrome Testing
SciGenomics is a leading medical facility in India with expertise in Down syndrome testing and treatment. We can provide you with the best possible medical services without even making a hole in your pocket. So, please feel free to get in touch with us today if you want to get the best medical support and care for your child. We have been industry for years and are known for providing result-oriented medical solutions.
Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that occurs due to abnormal cell division, leading to adding an extra copy of chromosome 21. This additional chromosome alters physical features & developmental changes in the baby. Nonetheless, Down syndrome can cause lifelong intellectual disability & developmental delays in a child. It is a pretty common genetic chromosomal disorder responsible for causing mental retardation in children. It also causes several other medical abnormalities in children, including heart & gastrointestinal disorders. However, if this genetic disorder is early detected, then interventional and genomic experts can play a vital role in improving the quality of life of the affected child.
Children with Down syndrome may face the following complications:
· Protruding tongue
· Small head
· Short neck
· Flattened face
· Poor muscle tone
· Excessive flexibility
A child with Down syndrome can have various other medical complications. Timely diagnosis and relevant treatment can efficaciously better the child's condition. Therefore, testing for Down syndrome in India is indispensable. So, if you are a pregnant lady, you should visit a reliable healthcare center to get yourself tested. You can get in touch with Scigenomics if you want to. It is a one-stop destination for all your healthcare needs. Scigenomics collects all samples from the comfort of the patient's home. Don’t worry; it’s a pretty affordable healthcare company.