Expert Advice on Microbiome
Our bodies are home to a diverse range of microorganisms on the inside and out. Although bacteria are the most common, we also have archaea, single-celled species, fungi, viruses, and other microbes, including viruses that target bacteria. The human microbiota is the name given to this collection of organisms. The microbiome of your body is made up of all the genes found in your microbiota; however, the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably.
What is the microbiome?
Microbes that are both beneficial and potentially toxic make up the microbiome. The majority are symbiotic (meaning they support both the human body and the microbiota) and a limited percentage are pathogenic (promoting disease). Pathogenic and symbiotic microbiota coexist peacefully throughout a safe organism. Dysbiosis happens when the equilibrium is disrupted, which may be caused by infectious diseases, certain foods, or long-term use of antibiotics or other bacteria-killing drugs. As a consequence, the body's susceptibility to disease could increase.
What to expect out of genetic counselling on the microbiome?
Genetic counselling is split into two categories: pre-genetic test therapy and post-genetic test counselling. Pre-genetic test counselling allows a person to get as much information as possible before taking the test. The purpose, importance, and utility of testing, as well as customized genes, was explained as part of this. Gene testing is now proven to be a one-time expenditure that lasts a lifetime since an individual's gene blueprint stays the same and therefore no retesting is done. Gene counsellors have in-depth detail about gene predisposition during post-genetic test therapy, which is dependent on the test results. They discuss how a person's chromosomes affect his or her general wellbeing.
Scigenomics's Expert Advice on Microbiome
• We suggest a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins.
• We recommend drinking water instead of sugary drinks and discuss popular dietary issues like salt and sodium, vitamins, and alcohol.
• Staying active and maintaining a healthy weight is also significant.
• Since probiotics feed on non - digestible carbohydrates, eating prebiotic fibre like bananas and asparagus is advised Beneficial bacteria reproduce in the gut as a result of this process.
• Eat fewer sugar and sweeteners, since too much sugar or artificial sweeteners can lead to gut dysbiosis or a microbe imbalance in the gut.
• Many types of safety, like gut wellbeing, benefit from stress management.
Antibiotics are often used to treat bacterial infections; however, overuse is a serious public health issue that can lead to antibiotic resistance.
what is whole genome sequencing ?
Whole-genome sequencing has become a valuable method for genomics research due to rapidly falling sequence procedure costs and the capacity of today's sequencers to yield vast quantities of data. WGS is a process for examining whole genomes. Classification of genetic illnesses, characterising the genes that cause cancer development, and monitoring disease outbreaks have all benefited from genomic knowledge.