Stool DNA Testing
A stool DNA test is a fancy name for a test that checks for the presence of cancer in your colon. The best part about this method is that it really does not require invasive techniques — think colonoscopy — or a lot of time (standard diagnostic procedures can often take days to weeks, depending on the availability of your specialist). This non-invasive option can also have accompanying blood tests done as requested by prescribing doctors, which help provide even more information on whether or not something needs to be dealt with regarding any irregularities they might find while testing your stool samples.
If the stool DNA Test indicates abnormalities are present, your physician may recommend that you take additional tests to understand better the health of your digestive tract, such as a colonoscopy that enables a doctor to examine the inner lining of your colon. However, seeing an experienced professional is vital in such cases for better and accurate results. Therefore, you should not delay getting in touch with Scigenomics, a renowned healthcare company. It boasts many highly qualified and experienced professionals who leave no stone unturned to provide the best genetic testing services